#47 An Exciting Take On Uncertainty

Welcome to the 5th and final episode in the mini-series, “Disrupting the Divine Feminine.”

Whether it’s a health problem, relationship stress, the fear that the goodness you’re experiencing will fade, or simply a question mark about your next steps, we all live with varying degrees of uncertainty. It’s inescapable. Even though we like to think that our surroundings are fixed and stable, the truth is, we don’t know if we’ll be here this time next year, much less tomorrow.

Rather than spiralling down into anxiety and worry over life’s unknowns, how can you instead use uncertainty and unexpected obstacles as opportunities to be the deliberate creator of your dreams?

In today’s SHE Talk we’re exploring:

  • How outdated principles of Newtonian physics are keeping us boxed inside exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, thinking/playing small, and cycles of repeating our past
  • Why quantum physics can help us feel more alive, free, and in touch with the truth of limitless possibility that always surrounds us
  • Ways to adapt your spiritual practice each day to move from victim to victor, sufferer to creator
  • How to turn your fear of uncertainty into empowered anticipation and bold action

I’m saving the best episode for last, because this is the missing ingredient in our world…and your life!

I’ll share the tools and practices needed to cultivate a strong, inner vision in The SHE School & SHE Leadership Circle 2018.

Both of these personal development and business mastermind sisterhoods promise to to connect you to your feminine spiritual power (your SHE) so you can birth a life you love and live it powerfully.

Through integrating women’s yoga, meditation, spirituality, leadership, lifestyle, and more, The SHE School will empower you to (finally!) trust yourself and become the expert on your own life.

With cutting-edge monthly teachings from Sara, group mentoring calls, SHE Yoga & Meditation videos, online community, guest teachers, and resources galore…..

You’ll receive the fierce and loving support you need to step out of the world of “same-old, same-old” to design the destiny of dreams.

Learn more & register here: www.TheSHESchool.com

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