Sara's new book is here: Handbook for the Heartbroken

#48 How to Gracefully Navigate the Unknown

I wanted to share the audio from a talk I gave at the end of March here in Boulder at an event called “The Truthteller Tour,” hosted by Kelly McNelis, founder of Women for One.This is the first public talk I’ve given since The Book of SHE came out… two-and-a-half years ago! So, yeah. This was a big step for me.

I’m still in the wobbly space between death and rebirth, so, rather than muscling myself into a faux confidence, I gave myself permission to show up in my full rawness. To do this, I spoke about “How to Gracefully Navigate the Unknown.” Women are still contacting me, telling me how touched and inspired they were by what I shared.

I hope this talk moves something in you, too.

How I Overcame Hardship to Create an Aligned, Authentic & Abundant Business and Life– and How You Can Too

In this free, private audio journey, I’ll share with you some of the most valuable lessons I learned after experiencing a series of crushing heartbreaks over a span of five years – and coming back stronger, wiser, and more aligned than ever in my business and life.

From Heartbreak to