#43 Daenerys, Dakinis & Disrupting the Divine Feminine

In recent years, as we’ve come to revere the Divine Feminine, we’ve replaced one set of rules (work yourself to the bone to prove that you can do the job as well as any man can) for another (drink green juice, wear crystals, and worship the moon and Mercury Retrograde to prove that you’re a good person).

Somewhere in the mix of swapping one societal code for another, we’re still missing the point. You are the creator of your life. You are god in the flesh. You are a divine being, in charge of designing your own destiny. The power is inside of you. And you’ll never find it anywhere else.

If you’re not yet as happy, healthy, whole, wealthy, successful, vibrant, or (fill in the blank), as you long to be……maybe it’s time to admit that you’ve been looking for answers in all the wrong places. Will 2018 be the year that you finally take your power back?

If your answer is “YES,” then I invite you to come on a journey with me. Beyond the land of “same-old, same-old,” and into the Realm of Extraordinary (aka The Kingdom of Heaven Within).

Over the next few weeks, I’ll show you the ins and outs of this mystical landscape in a new podcast mini-series: Disrupting the Divine Feminine.

In today’s SHE Talk, I map out:

  • The (exciting!) new model of womanhood that Oprah debuted earlier this week
  • Why I’m transplanting the hottest concept from the business world into the field of feminine spirituality & empowerment
  • How Quantum Physics can help us feel at home in a very uncertain world
  • Why super-sexy, flying fairies (from a 1,000-year-old tradition in Tibetan Buddhism) hold the medicine we’re all seeking today
  • What Daenerys Targaryen can teach us about embodying new levels of greatness as women

If you’re needing to remember that you alone hold the power to create your reality, I hope this episode returns you to your agency. It’s a small taste of what’s to come in the only program I’m teaching this year: The SHE School & SHE Leadership Circle 2018: www.thesheschool.com

I have something for you.

    hello, beautiful.

    I know your life's full. And the thought of looking at your numbers and creating financial well-being makes you want to bury your head in the sand. 

    that's why I've put the essentials into a free guide: 5 money mistakes not to make in 2025.

    So you can earn–and save– more in the year ahead. Because with a little bit of love and guidance, more abundance is possible. Promise