#37 Losing Your Parents & Feeling Sexy after Menopause with Sabrina Chaw

“I don’t know anyone who hasn’t gone through multiple heartbreaks,” Sabrina says.

She’s lived an unconventional life– especially as a Chinese-American, seen through the eyes of her more conservative parents.

While all of her siblings got married and had children, when yet another one of Sabrina’s relationships would end, her mother would shake her head and tell her, “Sabrina, you’re so unlucky in love.”

A devout student and pioneering teacher in feminine spiritual practice, Sabrina is well-known for leading women’s circles in San Francisco and assisting David Deida at his intensives around the country. Now in her late fifties, she has dedicated her life to expressing a truer, freer form of love than convention acknowledges.

In our conversation we explore:

  • The big shifts Sabrina noticed upon turning fifty, and now approaching sixty, and how she honors these big milestones
  • How menopause forced Sabrina to discover a new sense of sexiness and womanhood
  • Ways that Sabrina made peace with never having children of her own
  • How she coped with losing her parents
  • Why she’s grateful that she waited until she was in her 50s to get married
  • Why the heart is always to be shared, whether it’s broken or not

May Sabrina’s vulnerability and courage mirror back to you some deeper truths about you and the unique path of love that you’re living.

And if this story has inspired you, or would be helpful for a woman you know, please pass it onto her by forwarding this email to her or using the share buttons below.

What are The Heartbreak Diaries? It’s a podcast series comprised of 4 intimate interviews with women who have suffered intense heartbreak — and come out the other side stronger than ever.

And beyond being a safe space to speak up and share about our losses, this series also honors the opening of a new course I’ve been creating for the past year…. Healing from Heartbreak: Transform through the Wild Wisdom of Grief.

Because, let’s be honest: heartbreak sucks. It convinces us we’re unworthy, unattractive, and terminally unlovable. But what if that crack in your heart were really a crack in the door, and that inside you’d find more: more wisdom, more attunement, more vitality, more you? Heartbreak feels like the end because it’s also a beginning.

This 4-Week Immersion includes mentoring, sisterhood, ritual, and wisdom. We start June 7 (with a special gift for anyone who joins us before May 30).

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