Sara's new book is here: Handbook for the Heartbroken

#31 How to Say Yes to Change

You’re on the verge of a new chapter in your life — but you feel resistant and awkward. You’re about to kickstart deeper self-care (and prioritize standing in your own truth), but you’re all elbows and self-doubting.

The beginnings of things are hard. Especially when they really, really matter to us. This is the archetype of the Maiden in the Heroine’s Journey. When we understand and honor her (and bring not only our Beginner’s Mind… but also our Beginner’s HEART), we can melt resistance, bring ease into the fiery crucible of change, and say YES to our current “spiritual assignment.”

Want more support for your Beginner’s Heart? Discover The SHE School 2017, now open for a very brief window here:

How to use the psychotherapeutic model, Internal Family Systems (IFS), to get out of your own way and rise to new levels of succes

When supporting women entrepreneurs, I often find that it's not their talent or strategy that holds them back, but unresolved emotional wounds. This free guide will help you identify the warning signs in yourself and show you how to use Internal Family Systems (IFS) to transform the painful patterns that keep you stuck.

If you’re not getting the result you want in your business, despite all of your best efforts, this is likely the missing piece. 

7 Signs Your Unresolved Wounds Are Holding You Back in Your Business