Sara's new book is here: Handbook for the Heartbroken

#161 The Surprising Truth About Self-Sabotage

At least once today, you’ve likely experienced some form of self-sabotage. This could look like getting on Instagram right when you wake up, instead of taking that intended time for yourself. Maybe you stayed up too late last night watching TV when you really wanted to get enough sleep so you could wake up earlier today, feeling refreshed. Or you have a big project you know in your heart is important to you, but you keep letting smaller projects and emergencies pull you away from making any real progress on it. 

Let’s be real: Self-sabotage is an inherent part of the entrepreneurial journey. The more we take risks and step outside our comfort zones, the more we’re going to contend with it. Given this, wouldn’t it be wise to cultivate the skills you need to heal your self-sabotage at the root? So that it’s not only no longer an obstacle on your path, but it’s a true ally, helping you do what it once blocked you from doing? 

Yes, that’s very possible! And that’s what we’re exploring in today’s episode. In it, I share a painful experience of self-sabotage from my own life. I also share the single (surprising!) question you need to ask yourself the next time you experience it. 

And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to one of my most popular programs, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).

All you have to do is: 

It’s as simple as that! 

If you’d love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast’s YouTube channel here.


Ep 161

How I Overcame Hardship to Create an Aligned, Authentic & Abundant Business and Life– and How You Can Too

In this free, private audio journey, I’ll share with you some of the most valuable lessons I learned after experiencing a series of crushing heartbreaks over a span of five years – and coming back stronger, wiser, and more aligned than ever in my business and life.

From Heartbreak to