#160 How to (Actually) Heal Your Inner Critic

I’m about to say something pretty big that’s not an exaggeration: The Inner Critic is the biggest thing I see holding women back. This is true today, and this has been true since I started doing this work twenty-five years ago. It also used to be the biggest thing holding ME back. Many of us still have unhealed experiences in our past that are keeping us overworking, undercharging, or not enforcing appropriate boundaries. These unhealed wounds are keeping us stuck at the same level in our work and lives and unable to move forward, even though we’re investing in courses and coaches.

To help shift this, today I’m talking with an Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapist and assistant trainer, Nancy Wonder, about the pathway of healing our Inner Critics– and the Inner Little girls they’re protecting. 

In our conversation, we talk about:

  • How to reach a tipping point in your healing work where you consistently feel more space inside
  • Why you need to stop combatting your Inner Critic, and what you need to do instead
  • How an embodiment practice like yoga fit into this approach
  • Ways to end inner wars and addictive patterns
  • How to lessen the charge in your triggers so they don’t dominate you as much

At the end, Nancy leads you through a meditation to help you begin to make powerful shifts with your Inner Critic. Above all, healing your Inner Critic is a crucial piece in doing what you most want to do and being who you most want to be. 

And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to my on-demand course, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).

All you have to do is: 

  • 1) Leave a review of this podcast. 
  • 2) Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.com

It’s as simple as that! 

If you’d love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast’s YouTube channel here.


Ep 160

I have something for you.

    hello, beautiful.

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