#157 Signs Trauma Is Impacting Your Bottom Line

We usually don’t talk about trauma and business together in the same sentence, but that needs to change. And that’s what we’re doing here together today. Here’s the thing: Trauma impacts us ALL as entrepreneurs, to different degrees and in different ways– especially when you’re taking a creative risk or moving into uncharted territory. I’m going to share with you the #1 sign that your trauma may be impacting your business and some steps you can take to shift that. 

And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to my on-demand course, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).

All you have to do is: 

  • Leave a review of this podcast. 
  • Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.com

It’s as simple as that! 

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Ep 157

I have an important
question for you.

    hello, beautiful.

    Is your inner world blocking your
    outer flow?

    in this free guide, discover the 7 hidden ways your unresolved wounds are sabotaging your business.  

    Learn how to apply Internal Family Systems (IFS) to break free from overwhelm, procrastination, and self-doubt — so you can create the business and life you truly desire.

    with a little love and guidance, so much more is possible. promise.