I don’t know about you, but I always appreciate hearing what people spend money on in their businesses. Overall, I appreciate having open, honest conversations about money, especially as women business owners. So today I’m taking you behind-the-scenes as I reviewed my 2023 P&L to get clarity on the top three things I chose to invest in in my business last year, and why. My intention is that this inspires you to look more consciously at how you want to spend your money and invest in yourself and your work in the year ahead.
And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to my on-demand course, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).
All you have to do is:
- Leave a review of this podcast.
- Email a screenshot of your review to hello@saraavantstover.com
It’s as simple as that!
If you’d love to watch the video versions of these episodes, be sure to subscribe to the podcast’s YouTube channel here.