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#56 Linda Weber on the Patriarchy, Abortion & Self-Authoring Our Womanhood

Today’s podcast guest leads us into a rich and deeply needed conversation about abortion. In the fourth and final episode (for now) of the # I Had an Abortion podcast series, I interview Linda Weber.

A woman in our community led me to Linda after I published my abortion story in July. And I’m so glad she did. I feel this is the most important podcast episode I’ve ever shared.

Linda Weber is a true wise woman. She’s been a psychotherapist, spiritual counselor for women, and active feminist since 1970. She was also one of the country’s first abortion counselors and helped to start a non-profit abortion & women’s health clinic in Boulder, Colorado in 1973 (where I sought skilled counsel after my own abortion last year).

She also leads Women’s Wilderness Quests in Colorado every summer and is the author of the gem of a book, Life Choices: The Teachings of Abortion. It tackles a very complex subject with such lucidity, accessibility, and sophistication that I firmly believe it needs to be required reading material in high school. Or at least by teen girls when they become sexually active.

In this rich conversation, Linda and I explore:

* How women are the gatekeepers to new life and what we can do to embrace and honor this power.

* The fascinating– and long– history of abortion (in the world and the U.S.)

* Why Linda believes the distinction between the terms “elective abortion” and “therapeutic abortion” (used in the case of genetic abnormalities) are unnecessary.

* Ways abortion is at-odds with a woman’s learned tendency to constantly self-sacrifice

* The next steps she prescribes for women to heal en masse from the stigma of abortion

Have a listen, and let’s step it up in our work together busting stigmas and re-authoring womanhood…for ourselves and the generations to come.

Also: Welcome, welcome to all the women who joined Redemption Circle during our early registration window. If you haven’t yet joined us but still wish to, our first class is two weeks from today. I personally cannot wait!!

Show Notes:

Linda Weber’s website:

Linda’s Book, Life Choices:

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