Sara's new book is here: Handbook for the Heartbroken

#51 Putting an End to the “Disease to Please”

When we hit rocky roads– inner and outer– is when we’re mostly going to want to lean on the advice of “experts.” But, as I recently heard a wise person say, “Advice is the devil.” And I would have to agree.

Leadership comes from taking refuge in your inner wisdom. It asks us to source guidance from ourselves, and then to trust the path we’re shown. Unfortunately, this approach is the exact opposite of the one we’ve been encouraged to follow our whole lives.

In today’s SHE Talk, the third in our Poolside Sutras series, I explore this in more depth. (This talk was recorded mid-way through the last SHE Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training in Thailand).

In it, I speak about:

  • How to stop worrying about what other people think
  • The yogic breathing exercise that Brené Brown uses with her family to calm anxiety and overwhelm
  • How to get over our fear of failure
  • Breaking our addiction to stress
  • The most important quality for feminine leadership (rarely seen on social media)
  • And more

Sisters: A daily practice that attunes you to your inner wisdom is the only way to stop desperately trying to please others and start learning to honor yourself.

Life doesn’t teach us this! But, even as adults, it’s never too late to learn this crucial lesson.

Doing so is worth it because it’s the only path to what we all want–freedom and unconditional happiness.

If you love these Sutras, please consider joining me for my upcoming SHE Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training, now open for registration.

At this unconventional gathering, I’ll share the under-the-hood techniques and principles I’ve used in my own yoga & meditation for two decades — and taught to thousands of women, worldwide. Whether you’re aching to support other women or just deepen your own practice, you’ll find the feminine heart of yoga and meditation there. And, yes: we’ll have plenty of beach-time, too.

How to use the psychotherapeutic model, Internal Family Systems (IFS), to get out of your own way and rise to new levels of succes

When supporting women entrepreneurs, I often find that it's not their talent or strategy that holds them back, but unresolved emotional wounds. This free guide will help you identify the warning signs in yourself and show you how to use Internal Family Systems (IFS) to transform the painful patterns that keep you stuck.

If you’re not getting the result you want in your business, despite all of your best efforts, this is likely the missing piece. 

7 Signs Your Unresolved Wounds Are Holding You Back in Your Business