Sara's new book is here: Handbook for the Heartbroken

#183 Deepening Self-Trust, Healing in Community & Sharing Taboo Heartbreaks

While I’m taking time off this month, I wanted to share a very intimate conversation I had this past spring about grief and heartbreak with Sarah Tacy, a mind/body trainer and nervous system expert, on her podcast “Threshold Moments.”

Our dialogue felt less like an interview and more like a supportive, truth-telling session with a close friend. We went to such deep places and I was so moved by our time together, that I wanted to share this with my audience, too.

Together, Sarah and I explore:

  • How I learned to trust myself and connect with my deep truth after a significant betrayal
  • An exploration of a new archetype for women in mid-adulthood, beyond those of “Mother” and “Queen”
  • The power of processing grief through community instead of on our own
  • Tender sharings of ways that we both healed after complicated abortions 
  •  How moving through dark times can lead to profound personal growth 
  • Why it’s important to accept the anger that comes with heartbreak 
  • What’s waiting for us on the other side of heartbreak, loss, and grief

May this be of benefit to you and whatever thresholds of grief and heartbreak– past and present, little and large– you’re facing. 

And, as a special gift, I want to offer you free access to one of my most popular programs, “Getting Out of Your Own Way” (an IFS Daily Parts Meditation Kit to help you cultivate inner wholeness, harmony, and Self-Leadership at the start of each day).

All you have to do is:

  • 1) Leave a review of this podcast. 
  • 2) Email a screenshot of your review to

It’s as simple as that!


Ep 183

How to use the psychotherapeutic model, Internal Family Systems (IFS), to get out of your own way and rise to new levels of succes

When supporting women entrepreneurs, I often find that it's not their talent or strategy that holds them back, but unresolved emotional wounds. This free guide will help you identify the warning signs in yourself and show you how to use Internal Family Systems (IFS) to transform the painful patterns that keep you stuck.

If you’re not getting the result you want in your business, despite all of your best efforts, this is likely the missing piece. 

7 Signs Your Unresolved Wounds Are Holding You Back in Your Business