Sara's new book is here: Handbook for the Heartbroken

#172 The Era of the Sorceress CEO

As the patriarchy is falling and more and more women are rising into power, there’s a new archetype emerging. She’s here to guide women entrepreneurs during these times: The Sorceress CEO.

And, just as the powerful archetype of the crone was co-opted and demonized by the patriarchy, so too was the Sorceress. It’s time for us to reclaim and restore Her to her innate splendor, within each of us.

I invite you to listen in to remember this archetype within you and to learn how she’s guiding you to more fully live in your divine assignment right now.


Ep 172

How I Overcame Hardship to Create an Aligned, Authentic & Abundant Business and Life– and How You Can Too

In this free, private audio journey, I’ll share with you some of the most valuable lessons I learned after experiencing a series of crushing heartbreaks over a span of five years – and coming back stronger, wiser, and more aligned than ever in my business and life.

From Heartbreak to