#151 My Top Tips for Staying Regulated & Avoiding Overwhelm as a Business Owner

I know from my own journey as a business owner over these past decades, as well as the experiences of all of my students and clients, that overwhelm and disregulated nervous systems are things we need to be constantly working on. Especially for all of us who are introverted and highly sensitive (that’s me)!

Through a lot of trial and error, including a recent dip into the red zone this past fall, I’ve distilled three of my top tips for building the buffers into our business models– and our days– to operate in our optimal state as much as possible. 

May this serve you in designing and refining your business this year that support you in being your best self. 


EP 151

I have something for you.

    hello, beautiful.

    I know your life's full. And the thought of looking at your numbers and creating financial well-being makes you want to bury your head in the sand. 

    that's why I've put the essentials into a free guide: 5 money mistakes not to make in 2025.

    So you can earn–and save– more in the year ahead. Because with a little bit of love and guidance, more abundance is possible. Promise