Sara's new book is here: Handbook for the Heartbroken

#103 Living a Feminine Approach to Spiritual Surrender

Here we are on the equinox, welcoming the season of rebirth in the Northern Hemisphere. In addition to introducing a new name and look to the podcast today, I’m also introducing you to Miranda Macpherson, a true modern-day embodiment of the divine feminine.

Miranda’s an author, teacher with the Shift Network, kirtan musician and singer, and spiritual guide who shares a holistic approach to spiritual surrender and non-dual realization based on the practice of Ego Relaxation. She’s the “real deal”– bringing three decades of teaching experience in what truly works to liberate unnecessary suffering and gain traction on the path of awakening.

In our conversation today we explore everything from major(positive)life shifts Miranda has made during the pandemic, key practices that have been sustaining her during this time, what a feminine approach to non-dual spirituality looks and feels like, how she approached menopause, ways to cultivate more trust in life (especially amidst all that’s erupting in the world right now), and much more.
I know you’ll receive so much from Miranda’s wisdom today. Enjoy.

How to use the psychotherapeutic model, Internal Family Systems (IFS), to get out of your own way and rise to new levels of succes

When supporting women entrepreneurs, I often find that it's not their talent or strategy that holds them back, but unresolved emotional wounds. This free guide will help you identify the warning signs in yourself and show you how to use Internal Family Systems (IFS) to transform the painful patterns that keep you stuck.

If you’re not getting the result you want in your business, despite all of your best efforts, this is likely the missing piece. 

7 Signs Your Unresolved Wounds Are Holding You Back in Your Business