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#63 Essentials for a Daily Practice

Today’s talk comes from a recent Facebook Live class I taught on “Essentials for a Daily Practice.” A daily practice doesn’t need to be strict and mechanical. Rather, it can feel supportive, like seeking the solace of a good friend. In this class, I share essentials of an effective, nourishing (and doable) daily practice. This is a potent time of year to rekindle our passion for our practice. Plus, the world is calling us to more– and that more isn’t possible without a solid foundation of a serious, daily practice. May today’s class inspire you to deepen your inner sight this season.

And, if you’d like support, inspiration, and sisterhood on incorporating all of these elements into your life in 2019, registration for my year-long women’s spiritual practice community, A Year of SHE, is open for a couple more days!

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