#15 Sacred Questions for Inner Freedom

These women were exhausted. As azure ocean waves lapped in the background, the small group of courageous sisters settled into their cushions in the Meditation Cabin. It was the first morning of our week-long SHE retreat in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. And I could see the fatigue peeking through the excitement on their faces.

It wasn’t just the fatigue of the previous day’s travel. It was the longing for deep silence, for oh-so-needed rest, for contemplation and creativity and sensuality and all those things that make women, women.

Over the next 20 minutes, I shared the first wisdom talk of our retreat, setting the context for our 7-day journey together. Fittingly, this talk was about the first stage of the Heroine’s Journey: “Leaving Your Normal Life.”

If you’ve ever heard the call to your own Heroine’s Journey (and, my dear, if you’re here, you undoubtedly have), you know it can come as quite a challenge. A health crisis, a relationship meltdown, a career shift, a financial disaster.

It’s during these tender, transitional times in our lives that we start asking questions. BIG questions. And, simultaneously, we also start asking ourselves (usually unconsciously) some really mean, degrading questions too — ones that only wage more war within us.

Sister, the Heroine’s Journey begins with asking questions.

And, if we’re lucky (and have a little loving nudge in the right direction), we can make these questions more nourishing, more liberating, more empowering. So that the very questions we ask point us towards freedom.

In this opening talk, I speak about:

  • How to distinguish between the questions that close the doors to your “Inner Quest” v. the questions that open doors.
  • The three most important elements of the Heroine’s Journey (if you leave even one of these out, it’s incomplete).
  • A quality you most need to prepare for our journey.

Over the next two weeks, I invite you to take a little time to nurture your feminine spirit with this special, seasonal series on our podcast.

Every few days, I’ll share a short, 15-20 minute wisdom talk with you (recorded live at my SHE Retreat in Mexico during early November). Each wisdom talk illuminates an aspect of feminine spirituality or a stage of the Heroine’s Journey — and has never before been heard or shared, outside the closed circle of my retreat.

Whether you listen to these from a real bubble bath, or these clips simply make you feel like you’re pampering yourself that way — I hope you’ll find some guidance, reassurance, and invitations to deepen your connection with your Self this season.

What’s Bubble Bath Wisdom?

It’s a sumptuous moment of self-care during this zany holiday season. Because the Heroine’s Journey is paved with silence, beauty, and compassionate rest.

It’s also a small taste of my 9-month spiritual practice community for women, The SHE School 2016: the fullest expression of my teachings and the only only program I’ll offer in 2016.

We officially begin The SHE School in February, but since so many of you have been patiently waiting for this, I’ve opened the doors now, for a brief Early Registration period. When you join the SHE School now (until December 12), you will receive extra, loving support for this Holiday Season, including my Women’s Yoga & Meditation Kits, an exclusive mini-retreat with me on Visioning 2016, and more.

This Bubble Bath Wisdom Series is my gift to you: to inspire moments of stillness and self-love this busy Holiday Season, to support your Heroine’s Journey, and to celebrate the opening of The SHE School 2016. If you’re curious about the teachings included in this 9-month program, or what it’s like to work with me, this series will offer you a wonderful sneak peek.

Click here to learn about The SHE School 2016 and all the extra gifts we’re giving you discerning Early Birds: www.TheSHESchool.com

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