I met Rochelle at a Qoya (dance) class that she lead during her visit to Boulder last spring. Her sensual, fierce vibrancy touched me deeply, and I invited her here to share her embodied wisdom with us. Rochelle recounts the tale of her own Heroine’s Journey, and what it’s been like for her to “go against the grain” in order to follow her heart and create her life’s work. She speaks of opening to the power of “Mother energy” (even when one doesn’t choose to birth children), the importance of getting into one’s body, and a hard lesson she learned that led her to finally trust herself. In closing, Rochelle gives succinct instruction for how to reach out for divine guidance. Join us to celebrate the full spectrum of our womanhood and allow Rochelle’s story to inspire you to follow your own precious heart.
Rochelle Schieck is the founder of Qoya, a movement system based on the idea that through movement, we remember. We remember our essence is wise, wild, and free. She has spent the last 15+ years traveling the world as a student and teacher to North and South America, Europe, Africa, India, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. In the last 10+ years, she has led over 4,000 movement classes, facilitated hundreds of private sessions and taken women on over 20 retreats to 6 different continents (next stop, Antarctica!). Visit her online at http://www.loveqoya.com.
I hope you enjoy our conversation!
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